C&O It Solution
Going Paperless is Best!
Posted by kantreal on June 1, 2012 at 2:07 pm

Many businesses in today’s market are making the wise choice to go paperless for several different reasons. At C&O our mission is to get your business running as efficiently as possible and going paperless is one of the ways to get your office functioning at its best without wasting time. In order to help you understand why paperless offices are becoming the norm, we have provided a few reasons why eliminating paper from your office will be beneficial to your company.

1. Cost Efficient

Going paperless is a great way to lower your business’ expense. Businesses have been known to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars per year on paper. By going paperless, just think about what your business can do with all of the extra money!

2. Protection

You might think that just because your company’s important files are locked in a file cabinet that they are safe, right? Wrong! You will stand the chance of losing all your files to a clever thief who knows how to pick locks or in a natural disaster like a fire.

3. Save Time

Searching for the right document can be time consuming. Not only is searching for documents on your office’s network easier, but it also saves on time.

4. Easy to Share

When a document needs to be shared with multiple people in the office, it could be difficult for everyone to look at one sheet of paper at once. But if the same document is on everyone’s individual computer, a document reviewed by more than one person becomes easier.

5. Help the Environment

By going paperless, your office helps out the environment by decreasing the destruction of trees.

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