C&O It Solution
Five Reasons to Back Up Important Files
Posted by kantreal on May 21, 2012 at 10:31 pm

Far too many times, people underestimate the importance of their data by not making a copy of it. Sure, you can “save” vital information such as your client lists, financial records, company projects, etc. on your computer, but what happens to your important data when your hardware crashes or your computer malfunctions? That’s right, it’s gone forever. This is why it is crucial to always back up all of your work.

In our previous post we informed you about “Top 5 Ways to Back Up Your Important Files,” now here are reasons why you should make copies of all your vital data. For more information, click here to visit our website.

1. Electrical power outages

Imagine working on a very crucial project for a client and all of a sudden, the power goes out in the city. Electrical power outages are spontaneous and they can cause you to lose unsaved work.

2. Viruses

Viruses are all over the internet. With one click of a button, your entire system can be tainted and all of your files can be corrupted because of one virus.

3. Lost or stolen computer

Computers are a hot commodity and like anything else portable they can be easily lost. Your data is too important for someone else to get a hold of it.

4. Hardware malfunctions (Freeze or Crash)

Computers can freeze or crash at any given moment. Don’t be a victim of a hardware malfunction and lose your important data.

5. If you forget your password

Passwords can be easily forgotten, especially if you have too many different passwords you have to remember. If you can’t remember your password, obtaining your critical files can be difficult.

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